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                        "timestamp": "2010-07-02T17:22:09Z",
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                "title": "Oath Against Modernism \u2014 Saint Pius X"
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                        "timestamp": "2010-07-02T23:12:28Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with 'Extract from the book by Francis Parker Yockey   FREUDIANISM  As WAS THE CASE with Darwinism and Marxism, Freudianism has no Cultural, but only anti-Cultural significance. All th\u2026'"
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                        "timestamp": "2010-07-02T23:12:47Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with 'David Lane's final address to the jury   From the era of Plato, Socrates, and Cato to that of DaVinci and Michelangelo, to Locke and Shakespeare, to Jefferson and Franklin, Weste\u2026'"
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                        "user": "Europa7",
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                        "timestamp": "2010-07-04T23:08:30Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with '''\"Modern man does not love, but seeks refuge in love; does not hope, but seeks refuge in hope; does not believe but seeks refuge in dogma.\"''  '''Nicol\u00e1s G\u00f3mez D\u00e1vila'''  ''\"\u2026'"
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                        "timestamp": "2010-07-31T12:13:01Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with ''''Rivers of Blood speech was delivered to a Conservative Association meeting in Birmingham on April 20 1968.'''  The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against prev\u2026'"
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                "title": "Rivers of Blood speech - Enoch Powell"
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                        "timestamp": "2010-09-12T16:02:05Z",
                        "comment": "Created page with 'Extrait du livre Gilles Dostaler, 2001, Le lib\u00e9ralisme de Hayek, Paris, ''La D\u00e9couverte''   La soci\u00e9t\u00e9 est un organisme dont le degr\u00e9 de complexit\u00e9 est plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 que cel\u2026'"
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                        "timestamp": "2010-09-12T16:02:59Z",
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                "title": "Le lib\u00e9ralisme de Hayek - Gilles Dostaler"